VITA is a Utah based artist engaging in an ongoing dialogue on reality, and the human grasp of it. Intrigued to no end by physical principles of matter, energy, and philosophical positions on metaphysics and the ethereal - she utilizes intricate brushwork, vivid colorways, and a dedication to fine detail to create a conversation on energetics and make note on light frequency as it relates to the perceptivity of the human eye and nervous system.
In her work, Vita seeks to amplify the remembrance that we are all made of the same stuff that’s been around for eternity. As a vehicle to this remembrance, she hopes the work evokes a visceral feeling of light within the viewer.
Human beings can only perceive ~0.0035% of the electromagnetic spectrum — with this fact as a firm foundation for her work and life, Vita seeks to capture the essence of refraction beyond the processing capabilities of the human body, and speak to what that can mean metaphysically.
With an educational background in ecology/geology, Vita is deeply moved by the current state of environmental concerns, and believes that as we return to our connection with the nature of our own material bodies, we can create lasting shifts in our relationship to the planet.
My ongoing Wellspring series is simultaneously a visual dialogue on water scarcity and resource management ideals in the American West, and a commentary on the Laws of Conservation of Energy/Matter. Through the lens of Utah landscapes, the scale of time and the recycling of matter into itself are boldly apparent, and inspires consideration of duality in the eternality and ephemerality of existence as it relates to land, body, and spirit.
I spend a significant amount of time in southern Utah among the grand buttes, mesas, and bluffs that have been sculpted into the land over millennia by water, wind, and the trod of animal foot and flight. I am mesmerized by erosion, and the ways we can find kinship between ourselves and the earth in the processes of shedding and adaptation.